It would be correct to say terrorism in the workplace. It is also known as office sickness. According to PsychCentral, mobbing is when "that bully" in the workplace works with other employees to inflict psychological terror on a person. Mobbing is usually done against people who can be considered "different" in the workplace.

Victims of workplace mobbing are usually well-educated, attractive, outspoken workers who question the status quo. The targets of mobbing are ridiculed, humiliated and may even be in danger of being fired. And the person exposed to all this will never know the real reason.

At least 30% of bullying is intimidation and continues to increase.

Because the target person is constantly criticized, they are labeled as a problem person by other "normal" employees and are ignored and socially isolated by these people. The groups that established their own associations before the person exposed to this mobbing turn against him and as a result, the target employee is socially isolated. From this point of view, it can be said that the probability of a new employee being mobbing is higher than the others.

Some types of mobbing:

  • Spreading rumors about an employee
  • Isolate the employee in the office
  • Making it difficult for the employee to do their job
  • Forcing an employee to quit
  • interruption while talking
  • Become angry
  • being ignored
  • Don't use aliases
  • don't miss out
  • Trying to sabotage the work done
  • Not to be constantly blamed and criticized
  • Exposure to inappropriate jokes
  • discredit
  • Being sexually assaulted
  • Verbal or written threats
  • deliberately discourage
  • Giving work outside of job performance
  • Assigning external tasks

But what's wrong with the bully who pioneered this mobbing? Of course, there are factors such as lack of self-confidence, lack of skills, fear of losing one's reputation, low education and still being emotionally childish.

Have you experienced or witnessed mobbing at work? Share your experiences with us in the comments so that we can raise awareness about this issue.

