In the globalizing world, one of the most important and even the most important factors of competition is "human". The importance of constantly improving technology, innovations and changes that quickly penetrate all areas of life, and the need for manpower that increases day by day, the changing structure of the workforce, the change and diversification of the business world. When the demands of employees and employers become a competitive factor for companies or companies, it becomes increasingly difficult to identify, attract and retain qualified employees who will play a critical role. "Talent Management" practices, which have emerged as a new trend in recent years, have become one of the important functions of human resources in companies. Different methods are used for talent management. One of the most important of these is the intensive use of social networks in accordance with today's needs.

Major social networking tools used in the online recruitment process.

The main social networking tools used in the recruitment process are:

1. Linkedin





Founded in the early 2000s, the Linkedin platform consists only of businessmen. As of 2014, it has 300 million subscribers worldwide. Linkedin is currently the most used social network in the business world. Its biggest difference from other platforms is that it is not for entertainment purposes.


Facebook is one of the most used social networks of modern times.

The reason for Facebook's dominant role in the recruitment process is that posted messages spread quickly among candidates' personal pages. Thus, employers can easily connect with candidates. It is possible to always be informed about current open positions thanks to the numerous job search pages serving candidates.


Twitter is the second most used social network after Facebook. Twitter is primarily a social network for sharing thoughts and information with other users in an interactive environment. Although it serves to share ideas and information, it also creates opportunities such as job search, following announcements, and browsing companies' career pages. It is useful to mention some issues that need to be taken into consideration in all other social networks, including Twitter. These can end the recruitment process before it even begins.

- Stay away from unethical posts

-Avoid insulting statements about previous workplace


Instagram, which was only intended to share photos at the time of its establishment, is now used quite intensively in the fields of marketing and sales.

In the eras when the Internet was not used, companies used traditional methods such as newspaper announcements, calls to close friends, and individual job applications to select employees. Today, companies use social networks to implement the recruitment process and take advantage of the following advantages.

1. Productivity increases.

2. Bureaucratic processes are greatly reduced.

3. The prestige of the business increases.

4. Candidates' applications are answered as soon as possible.

5. There is an opportunity to connect with a large number of candidates.

6. Process costs are greatly reduced.

In addition to the benefits of social networks in the recruitment process, there are also some disadvantages.

1. Since Twitter does not allow more than 140 characters, some important details may not be included and therefore it may not be easy to publish job postings effectively.

2. Since Facebook is mostly used for family relationships, many people may not be willing to participate in professional activities such as recruitment. At the same time, discovered candidates may not always be authentic due to privacy settings, complicating the selection process.

3. While the LinkedIn platform is highly effective when it comes to recruiting, it can be inevitable that you will spend a lot of time in the beginning when you need to build relationships to spread the word to a large number of users. However, it restricts sending e-mails to other users above the specified limit.