Is the career advancement period shortened?
Career advancement actually determines employee performance and company needs.
In 2006, Gülümsar Bıchak won the right to register as a 100 percent scholarship student in the Department of Electronics and Electromechanical Engineering of Koç University, as he showed 100% results for the first time in the university exams. After graduating from the university with high results, he started working as a production manager in the CRM department of the marketing department of one of the largest telecom companies in Turkey in 2011. It has already been 2 years of his working life that he achieved his first career promotion. After a short period of time, he achieved another career advancement by transferring to the banking sector.
This career story, which may have come as a surprise to many business people in the 1990s, is now considered normal in the business world. Different motivational factors also have an effect here. A potential candidate wants to be promoted as soon as he enters the working life. Even some of them demand career planning from the very beginning by asking, "How long in this company, what position can I be promoted to" in the first interview. Faced with such a picture, companies are able to "shorten" career advancement periods and offer new positions in order to meet and retain the expectations of their employees. This method is a source of motivation for employees, especially if there will be no salary increase, such as a job change. In other words, not only material, but also spiritual values are prominent in the sources of motivation.
A new approach to career advancement
In recent years, new approaches to the career advancement period have been formed, and there are also changes in the promotion criteria. It should be noted that career advancement based on work experience has taken a backseat. In almost every company, performance evaluation, career development, and personality-oriented training are continuously monitored by HR departments. According to these indicators, although there is a numerical difference between different sectors, the numbers indicate that the number of employees who have made career advancement in companies has increased relatively in the last 10 years.