Do you remember the day you started your first job? Do you remember the feelings you had? Maybe this happened a long time ago, maybe just recently. What feelings have you had or are you experiencing more?

It doesn't matter if it's the first step in your career or your second job change, the first few weeks of starting a job are common feelings: joy, excitement, fear, and anxiety. Even if you do not experience all these feelings on the same day, these feelings do not forget to visit you in the first week. You are happy because you have a job, and if this job is something you are passionate about, there is no limit to this joy. Excitement begins after meeting new colleagues. If you are lucky, your colleagues will welcome you with a smile and the sincerity of a friend. If this happens, excitement will translate into enthusiasm, inspiration and determination. No, if your workplace is managed more according to the "golden tradition", then your first day of joy and excitement may be replaced by fear and anxiety. The "gold color tradition" is that the management system in the work environment is managed not by a team-leader relationship, but by a relationship based on hierarchy and precision between the top management and the employee. Here, creativity and innovation remain in the background. Public affairs are an example of this, but nowadays many private sectors also have this type of management system.

It's normal to feel anxious about your new job, but if you're still feeling anxious after a few weeks, it's time to take a new step. Should you leave the job you just started or stay and adapt to that environment? Let's talk a little about it.

Have you taken a personality test?

With the "4 color personality types" test, you can find out in which work environment you can follow a more successful career path. Divided into orange, gold, green and blue, each color represents a different personality type in this test. To take this test, you can go on a new journey of self-discovery on the True Colors website.

The advantage of taking the test is that you notice if the workplace environment you are going to does not match your personality dimensions. You don't take the negative events you experience in that environment personally and you know you have to choose one of two paths. The first and logical way is to start looking for a new job right away, and this time do a thorough research on the workplace environment you are applying for. There are many employee comments about companies on social media. You can also contact several employees who work at that workplace and ask about the environment there. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that those persons are not in the board of directors. Based on the answers given by the employees, you can see whether your personality type will advance your career path in that workplace.

İkinci yol isə, həmin iş yerində qalıb şəxsiyyətini iş yeri ənənəsinə uyğunlaşdırmaqdır. Bu isə çox çətin prosesdir və uğur ehtimalı isə çox azdır.

Observe like a fish in an aquarium

Even if your new job matches your personality type, do you still feel nervous in the first few weeks? You know that this job makes you excited about the future, but when you look at the details, the anxiety comes back to haunt you. Think of yourself as a fish in an aquarium and observe your workplace environment. Study your coworkers and their relationships.

First impressions appear not in a day, but in the first few months. It may take a few months to realize that your workplace matches your personality.

Don't assume you'll be comfortable once you start. Instead, work as if you're on probation. You have a few weeks to prove to your employer that they made the right choice in hiring you. Even if you make a mistake, come back the next day to try again.

Finally, if there is no problem between the workplace tradition and your character, as a result of your observations over time, as you follow the unwritten rules of that environment, your anxiety will decrease and you will begin to function as a part of the team.

Good luck!